So yet again another post about my "YouTube adventures." Ready, get set, take a deep breath, here we go. So I was watching videos of an image consulting channel, specifically about how to look "stylish" with a hat. So after seeing all the things this guy had to say I realized that in fact I liked the hats that I had. Which by the way I hated, prior to this video. Well this got me thinking that I actually was influenced by YouTube.
Is not as bad as it sounds, if you think on it I'm not being influenced by an enterprise but rather by the people I meet on this little universe called the internet. The creepy thing is that they don't even know that I know them but in a way or another that is how they like it. They like the feeling that they have made a difference in someone's life and that someone is watching but they don't want to deal with these people from a day to day basis. The perfect marriage.
In one way or another it seems that everytime that I click on the search bar there is a new person willing, at any time of the day I happen to click on them, to teach me what they know.
This got me thinking that it doesnt mean anything bad by saying that I'm being influenced by YouTube because it just means that I was curious enough to look further into things that otherwise I would just shrugged my shoulders and say "I guess we'll never know."
In one way or another it seems that everytime that I click on the search bar there is a new person willing, at any time of the day I happen to click on them, to teach me what they know.
This got me thinking that it doesnt mean anything bad by saying that I'm being influenced by YouTube because it just means that I was curious enough to look further into things that otherwise I would just shrugged my shoulders and say "I guess we'll never know."