The doctor finally came in and inspected my penis. He was handling it and asking me question about the placement of the scar and everything to make sure I got the best cosmetic result. I could not feel the whole handling of the doctor but my penis did react to it even though I didn't feel a thing. So there is a doctor handling my half boner and asking me questions while I was just there trying to ignore the fact that I was getting a boner that I could not feel. The usual operation time is about 40 minutes but it took two to one and a half hours for me to finally finish. He had to take a couple of stitches out because they didn't look right and in his words, he "was too picky and want[ed] this to be completely perfect" it came down to the frenulum and he in a way convinced me to cut it. In a very non bias way he in his own experience and based on my own anatomy said that it could go with or without the frenulum but that it would definitely look better without it because it was going to be a really smooth transition between my inner and outer foreskin so the frenulum absent will heal beautifully. He said there might not even be a scar at all given the fact that I have "good skin." In his opinion my skin was "good" because there was no scarring and there was a very define anatomy, he could see the veins and arteries before he cut them so he could move them where he needed them and he could cauterize any bleeding before it started. He said that I didn't bleed at all, any of the blood that was there was the blood that was already in the skin as he was cutting so it made this operation a fairly easy to do. It only took long because he had to take off a couple sutures and had to re-stitch them to make sure everything was just perfect. Also for some reason, and I've experienced this before when I had my wisdom teeth removed about 3 weeks before, I'm immune to the anesthetic. As he was trying to cauterize the frenulum my leg jumped and hit the tool tray at the operating table. This was caused because I completely felt the electrocautery-tool as it burned. It was a really sharp electric pain but it quickly went away. The surgeon was very surprised at this so he added more anesthetic but again I could feel it. It took five tries for him to finally anesthetize the region; he said that there was probably a nerve running from the glans to the frenulum so he finally found it and anesthetized it. He then proceeded to cut the tension point in the frenulum. He asked for my opinion on the look of it, which I was stupidly pointing at it without my hands being sterile. He quickly told me to be careful and not touch anything but he did what I wanted exactly.