Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Got me a new computer

So, for the longest I've been saying that I would like to be an apple person and it seemed that apple had got a  bad rep of making bad technology and selling it for an exorbitant amount of money that I have kept things with android phones. This new laptop with the M1 chip seems to be the best of the best you can get nowadays. I took the plunge and finally got me my first apple product, I can see the hype on the culture made behind this brand but so far I'm liking it. I got myself a new laptop from apple apple and so far it just works whenever I need it. The MacBook Pro is literally what I need it. when I need it it does exactly what I need it to do, it's on and it makes exactly what I  need it to do. It works! I just need to see the whole apple ecosystem and see how I can work with it. My phone is acting up so now I'm seeing the possibility of switching to iPhone and may be just looking into the apple ecosystem, hopefully is not working against me. 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Must learn the word NO

I hate that I have put myself in this situation. Literally my life is all running. There has been time for everything but definitely no time for myself. I have been trying to finish this post since August and now is January of 2020 and I'm finally writing this. I keep keeping busy and not really doing anything. . . trying to please everyone and not really making time for me. It's time I get to care more for myself and let all these people deal with their own shit and be more assertive and in a way a bitch to be able to say NO. There's that thing I need to learn to say and its a very firm NO.

So... NO!

I have to do this for myself and make sure that I don't get lost again for someone else. This time is all about ME.