So summer is not officially here though it has poked his face once or twice around here. All the summer heat and the smell of summer air makes me feel uneasy, like if I had to do something important but forgot to do it. There's no much that I could do to take this feeling away so its very frustrating.
Just a bit of an update here, since my last post I had been in constant contact with my best friend who moved from my house to her family's house. My thought was that since her sister hates me she would have something to do with the weird way my own friend would, or rather, would not be in contact with me.
To make a long story short and simple, if you call your best friend or text them you would expect at least an answer at some point or another right? When they do manage to speak to you wouldn't you expect a how have you been? I'm sorry I was busy but... Well obviously that never happened it was only when she would finally decide to talk that it was to say ”hi, I'm busy right now watching TV talk to you tomorrow” which obviously never happened when it finally happened was so she could ramble about diets and argue with me for nothing and everything under the sun. This sadden me mainly because this wasn't the person I knew, this was a bitter angry person that hated me. My only rationalization of this was that her sister was the one behind all of this, just like last summer before when she would take her phone and ignore my phone calls and when I actually showed up at her house (4hrs away) to see if they were ok, she freaked out on me.
One day out of nowhere she texted me a long message saying that she had stalked my Facebook and saw that I commented to one of my friends posts who she said that she was tired of self absorbed selfish people and I told her, don't fret there is always people out there that care. Well she took this comment as if I was calling her self absorbed selfish and that pretty much she did not want to be my friend anymore.
The irony of this is that I was not surprised about this at all, if it wasn't this it would have been another thing. This was just an excuse to get rid of me. How can someone you know for years and you open the doors to your house be so thoughtless and vindictive? How is it that your supposed to be best friends but not have the dignity to respond to as text but have the time to stalk your Facebook to get an excuse to kill three years of loyal friendship?
My mind was enlightened that day, someone that would do that was not your friend at all. Friendship is a two way street and it takes effort from both parties to make it work. In her text she literally said that she did not want to discuss anything nor make any kind of effort to be friends any more she just wanted this to end.
Days later I received a letter from her saying that she wasn't angry writing this letter, but that everytime she heard my name she felt sick to her stomach that pretty much I was the worst thing that happened to her, and that she'll miss that I was there for her when noone else would. Does this make any sense at all? Is sad to spend the last three years of your life and find out that to this person your friendship was worth a peanut. Well if anything life has thought me is that is time to move on and continue forward. From my part I did everything and anything to be a good friend a supportive friend. Now is my time to move forward and be supportive to my family, to renew old contacts and friendships, to be my self again.