Tuesday, March 14, 2017

When life throws you down, let me kick you in the teeth.

This is becoming very cumbersome, the fact that there's a lot of things going on and I am expected to take care of all the things. Real shit has hit the fan and it all seems like I'm struggling to keep my head out of water. I got stopped by the cops and got issued a ticked that I cannot afford, the rent went up, my bills are piling up and to make everything worse I'm being charged a fee that I really don't need. The registration of my cars is here, I have to pay for a lot of things and I cannot see a sign of relief. To make matters worse I'm stuck here with the issues my brother is making for me. My other brother is leaving and I'm to move upstairs, my ex is not making things easier. Putting pressure on me mentally and physically. 100 year old grandma will be here with us for a few days and it seems as if she's become more needy than anything. Very difficult trying to co-exist here. Sometimes I feel as if I just want to drop everything and leave. Get a fresh start.

I'm not really sure where the future is going to take me, as of now I'm just trying to get out of this fucking hole. I don't even have a child and I feel like the weight of the world is on me. The irresponsibility of the people around me is getting to me. To be completely honest sometimes I just want to die. I've taken responsibility for everyone is this house and now is becoming a thing at the job where I spend about 70 hours of my week. People are attained there too. I'm starting to feel that what I need to do is let people fend on their own. They're killing me.

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