This is going to be a very short rambling since there's really not much to say, kinda like another real quick mention of things just to keep them in the record. ^_^!
So the spectre was returned indeed though for the good news of all, she is staying at random people houses. I guess is a good thing because that way she can't stay there long enough to annoy people. Either way chiyo gets really douchy and possessive-aggressive whenever anyone touches anything that's the specters property. Litterally, touches them Oo0. Marucha went home and ironically I think that we're getting better at dealing with each other. For what I hear from Marucha, little snippets here and there her sister is still being a hateful mofo towards me. What can I say 'haterz gonna hate' lol
So aparently Gaddafi is now dead, which makes me worry about what's going to happen next. Retaliation from more terrorists or other countries? Who knows and to be perfectly honest i'm not really sure what this guy did, but I keep hearing that it was nothing that good. I honestly don't know much about that situation but what I do know is that the generation of today does not want to keep seeing all the hatred and violence. I keep seeing black kids playing with white kids and random hispanic, asian, etc kids playing together not really caring or discriminating on race. Ironically that doesn't seem to be the case with people in later generations, twenty-somethings and up. It seems, at least in the US that we finally are reaching a level of assimilation where people are judged by their individuality rather than by their race. We are becoming a society in where not only in theory but also in practice we are judge as individuals rather than stereotypes... keyword is "becoming" since we are not there yet. Many other countries in the Americas like Mexico, El Salvador, Peru, etc. have already reached a level of homogenization in where people are not judged by race but by the individual. Kids of european descent and kids of black/native/x race are considered Mexican, Salvadorian, Peruvians, etc. That, makes in those people's populations have a common national identity that you rarely see in the USA. People here still call themselves, Italian, Irish, Chinese, etc. because the national identity of their forefathers was that strong. What about the one of the new generation? These kids are now becoming the new face of the United States. They and only they know how it is to live and grow in the United States. Ironically it seems that there's no structure of a national identity that these kids look towards to. Spongebob, iCarly and movies tell them what is like to be from here. Many kids and parents don't even know that is disrespectful to have a print of your flag in underwear. The sense of culture is nonexistent in a way that all these cultures mixed together make a gray color of insecurities and a sensorship-trigger-happy media that prevents this country from becoming an actual country rather than a market for culture identities.
A new culture is indeed coming out of all this nonsense, let us hope that is one with principles and conviction towards a better future. Free of prejudice and God-willing, free from the bubble of the media.
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