Every time I go with you is mainly a sea of sorrow followed by a few moments of bliss. You don't care about my opinions or my fears, you only care about you being comfortable. What do you care if I have to pay everything including the roof in which you live in. What do you care about the troubles of adulthood. You are just a kid, a kid that has tons of mood swings and the knowledge that you know that you are loved and that this person (me) can and will do anything you want to you is the only weapon you wield to cause harm. Why do I even put myself in this situation. "let's go to the movies" says stupid me, rational me is "Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself, he's just going to demean your existence and make you feel worthless" . . . and I simply do it because in my stupid fantasy of a world I have faith that he will care and hold me, and listen to everything I have to say. That he will be interested in what I have to say, think and do. He worries about all the things I have to pay and he offers help so I won't be so stressed. He knows I'm tired, specially because of my job, and he knows that I need to rest. He's understanding, empathetic and helpful. Reality is that he is selfish, ignorant, arrogant, condescending, impatient, and he hates being with me, listening to me and in short everything that has to do with me. Yet he is perfectly okay living at my expense. I'm tired of you being such an asshole and in a minute or two trying to be friendly and loving to me. YOU'RE A DOUCHE BAG!
How dare you look at pictures of others and then say "he's so hot" and then turn to me and sweet talk "are we going to get dinner after the movie" Fucking shameless asshole. Karma is really going to get you and I definitely need to stop being so permissive with stupid people that are not worth my time. You are just using me for your own benefit. I'm killing myself for you and you don't even flinch at the sight of me. Curse that I am still in love with you. Curse that I fucking do this for you, I hope you realize what you are doing to people, because the universe is funny that way. For every action you take, there's an equal and opposite reaction. . . The amount of that potential energy of negativity you surround yourself in will come back to haunt you. I won't have anything to do with it.
Recollection and reflexions of events in the life of Ushito. . . an outlet to unwind. . . my grammatically-incorrect bitching blog of rants.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Tiredness, Old Age, or Plain Old STRESS!!!
Lately I have been super tired, not just your regular tired but like the exhausted type of tired. Literally I wake up tired and remained like that until late at night. I knock out at about midnight and then the cycle continues. To be fair I have been working doubles lately, which means that I have been working since 8 AM until about 10-11 PM that's about 14 hours a day everyday. The issue is that lately even on my days off I'm just exhausted. Coffee has been my best friend though I have to be honest, its not quite working anymore. I recently purchased a multivitamin in the hopes that it might just be a vitamin deficiency. It's not a matter of lack of sleep anymore, is that there's just not enough hours in the day for me to remain asleep, and even when I wake up, my body is just physically drained. I'm not sure what to do anymore. Libido is taking its toll, I don't want to do anything like that anymore, though mentally I can. . . my body just wants to sleep.
Thinking about this I feel like all the time I'm always busy, and then I realize that I'm super busy inside my head. I'm always splitting my time between my family, my friends, and others. . . but I'm trying to do it all by accommodating them in to their schedule. I'm dragging everyone to success but at the cost of my own sanity. I always envied my brother and now at my ex on how they can block the rest of the world and they submerge themselves in their own world of either, video games, drawing, playing an instrument or whatever. I, on the other hand can't finish my own work because I drop everything to accommodate them so THEY can have a better quality of life.
I have started to take the bull by the horns and I actually stopped giving rides to people on Tuesdays. I need to stop on Sundays and possibly on Thursdays as well. I'm stretching myself too thin. Is a double work. ----- My dad tends to do that, and he's always so exhausted he just sleeps when he gets home--- I guess I had to get it from someone, but I need to stop the vicious cycle. This way of life is causing me to have a serious attack of stress and I'm so busy that I don't even know it, until now.
Today I didn't answered any phone calls or messages, besides helping my cousin out this morning, I didn't answer to anyone else. I put my cellphone in do not disturbed so only my brother could contact me in case of emergency. I haven't really accessed social media (not trying to keep up anymore with anyone's life until I keep up with mine) and I finally I'm using my laptop that I wanted for the longest. I cut my hair and took my dog out.
Never realized how I pull everyone in my life forward, but squash myself in the process. The progress of this already started as I typed this rant. . . This is the reason why I have this blog.
This has been Firechild signing out.⽕⽕⽕
Thinking about this I feel like all the time I'm always busy, and then I realize that I'm super busy inside my head. I'm always splitting my time between my family, my friends, and others. . . but I'm trying to do it all by accommodating them in to their schedule. I'm dragging everyone to success but at the cost of my own sanity. I always envied my brother and now at my ex on how they can block the rest of the world and they submerge themselves in their own world of either, video games, drawing, playing an instrument or whatever. I, on the other hand can't finish my own work because I drop everything to accommodate them so THEY can have a better quality of life.
I have started to take the bull by the horns and I actually stopped giving rides to people on Tuesdays. I need to stop on Sundays and possibly on Thursdays as well. I'm stretching myself too thin. Is a double work. ----- My dad tends to do that, and he's always so exhausted he just sleeps when he gets home--- I guess I had to get it from someone, but I need to stop the vicious cycle. This way of life is causing me to have a serious attack of stress and I'm so busy that I don't even know it, until now.
Today I didn't answered any phone calls or messages, besides helping my cousin out this morning, I didn't answer to anyone else. I put my cellphone in do not disturbed so only my brother could contact me in case of emergency. I haven't really accessed social media (not trying to keep up anymore with anyone's life until I keep up with mine) and I finally I'm using my laptop that I wanted for the longest. I cut my hair and took my dog out.
Never realized how I pull everyone in my life forward, but squash myself in the process. The progress of this already started as I typed this rant. . . This is the reason why I have this blog.
This has been Firechild signing out.⽕⽕⽕
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Is It Jealousy? ... You just became an asshole.
I'm barely here but when I'm here is for a reason, to bitch about my life.
Lately I have been questioning the "alliances" I have with my so called friends. . . are they just acquaintances? Are they using me? Are they just in it for their own purposes? In particular a friend which I esteemed a lot seems to lately been stealing my "dreams" I know I might be talking out of jealousy of the things I can't really do. He told me that he wants to go to the place I always wanted to go. My dream destination. The issue of this is that he was so insensitive at telling me all this. Him knowingly that I can't possibly get there and he can . . . I know this sounds too petty but quite honestly is equivalent to that kid that you tell him how awesome your favorite rock band is and how their songs speak to you so deep; and this kid goes and buys every shirt and paraphernalia from this band and calls you to let you know how "HE" is going to their concert whilst he doesn't know a thing about them. Makes you hurt that such "posy" behavior and I don't know if jealousy might quite be the feeling for this thing, but insensitivity is definitely it. A true friend would be look I got all these things and I know how much you like this band "LET'S GO TO THIS CONCERT TOGETHER." I am surrounded by selfish people. I know I'm not perfect but something I am more than anything is empathetic. I wouldn't flaunt it to anyone's face the things I can do when I know they are bound by chains.
In retrospective this is nothing to be bitching about but the fact that this happens practically everyday by people that love me [?] is so aggravating. I know I'm bitching about stupid stuff and things that wouldn't matter but when is the basis for "friendship," it really makes you thing if this is actually a friendship. Are you contacting me for me? Or is it because you like the places I take you and can get you in or is it because I can get you things, get you there. What if I can't, will you still see me as a "friend"? will you still think I'm worth the while. I'm I just useful to you that way and once I'm not am I going to end up in the dump where you throw everyone else?
I'm a ride, a bottle, a ticket, a pass, and ID but not a person... to you.
I need to stop letting people do this to me.
Lately I have been questioning the "alliances" I have with my so called friends. . . are they just acquaintances? Are they using me? Are they just in it for their own purposes? In particular a friend which I esteemed a lot seems to lately been stealing my "dreams" I know I might be talking out of jealousy of the things I can't really do. He told me that he wants to go to the place I always wanted to go. My dream destination. The issue of this is that he was so insensitive at telling me all this. Him knowingly that I can't possibly get there and he can . . . I know this sounds too petty but quite honestly is equivalent to that kid that you tell him how awesome your favorite rock band is and how their songs speak to you so deep; and this kid goes and buys every shirt and paraphernalia from this band and calls you to let you know how "HE" is going to their concert whilst he doesn't know a thing about them. Makes you hurt that such "posy" behavior and I don't know if jealousy might quite be the feeling for this thing, but insensitivity is definitely it. A true friend would be look I got all these things and I know how much you like this band "LET'S GO TO THIS CONCERT TOGETHER." I am surrounded by selfish people. I know I'm not perfect but something I am more than anything is empathetic. I wouldn't flaunt it to anyone's face the things I can do when I know they are bound by chains.
In retrospective this is nothing to be bitching about but the fact that this happens practically everyday by people that love me [?] is so aggravating. I know I'm bitching about stupid stuff and things that wouldn't matter but when is the basis for "friendship," it really makes you thing if this is actually a friendship. Are you contacting me for me? Or is it because you like the places I take you and can get you in or is it because I can get you things, get you there. What if I can't, will you still see me as a "friend"? will you still think I'm worth the while. I'm I just useful to you that way and once I'm not am I going to end up in the dump where you throw everyone else?
I'm a ride, a bottle, a ticket, a pass, and ID but not a person... to you.
I need to stop letting people do this to me.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Anxiety rant
You have created an anxiety attack. Judgmental asshole, you have no idea who I am and the hoops I had to jump just to be alive. The things you have created and the growing I have done. I don't need a fucking kid that barely knows what life is to be so condescending in the way you relay your "help."
I said "I'm stressed because of the clutter of the house" and your reaction is to demean my existence. Then you feel so offended by my own issues as if I'm insulting you just for being alive, and you say, your troubles are soooo hard, your life is soooo difficult. You collect things and you are a hoarder and the thing is that you have issues and you need to deal with them. Fucking asshole you created half the issues in my life. Because of you I feel trapped in my own home, because of you I can't be the same with my family, because of you I am shut from the world, because of you I can't love like I loved you. Your fucking betrayal and your fucking ignorance, and transgression . . . . I just want to punch something and break it. I am so done. You asked for my laptop and made me feel guilty for not giving you the only thing that I have bought and kept only for myself. Where I do my videos and write in my diary. You have indeed just asked me, no, DEMANDED, this and made me feel guilty. When you have your own laptop, your phone and the video game console I bought; which you use to talk to your fuck buddies.
You don't listen, you definitely don't listen to anyone but yourself. Talking to you is stressful because is only you being condescending about anything I talk about, and how your friends are better. Then go fuck yourself and go live with your fucking perfect friends. Stop mooching off my good nature and if you are going to stay then find respect for me or get the fuck out. I'm so tired of fucking abusive assholes. I feel like I'm about to explode anytime. My two days off were wasted because of your fucking plans. I NEED to stop bending over backwards to your will. You're an asshole and I'm a dumb ass for thinking that you love me.
How dare you, you dis-help and create clutter in my heart. Cluttered with pain and wounds and your fuking NEEDS . . . go fuck yourself!!
I said "I'm stressed because of the clutter of the house" and your reaction is to demean my existence. Then you feel so offended by my own issues as if I'm insulting you just for being alive, and you say, your troubles are soooo hard, your life is soooo difficult. You collect things and you are a hoarder and the thing is that you have issues and you need to deal with them. Fucking asshole you created half the issues in my life. Because of you I feel trapped in my own home, because of you I can't be the same with my family, because of you I am shut from the world, because of you I can't love like I loved you. Your fucking betrayal and your fucking ignorance, and transgression . . . . I just want to punch something and break it. I am so done. You asked for my laptop and made me feel guilty for not giving you the only thing that I have bought and kept only for myself. Where I do my videos and write in my diary. You have indeed just asked me, no, DEMANDED, this and made me feel guilty. When you have your own laptop, your phone and the video game console I bought; which you use to talk to your fuck buddies.
You don't listen, you definitely don't listen to anyone but yourself. Talking to you is stressful because is only you being condescending about anything I talk about, and how your friends are better. Then go fuck yourself and go live with your fucking perfect friends. Stop mooching off my good nature and if you are going to stay then find respect for me or get the fuck out. I'm so tired of fucking abusive assholes. I feel like I'm about to explode anytime. My two days off were wasted because of your fucking plans. I NEED to stop bending over backwards to your will. You're an asshole and I'm a dumb ass for thinking that you love me.
How dare you, you dis-help and create clutter in my heart. Cluttered with pain and wounds and your fuking NEEDS . . . go fuck yourself!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Oh, What a Cluttered Mess That I AM

----Anyway, the thing breaks and he tried to play it cool by not mentioning it but I saw it all happen in front of him. He never apologized and it kinda tried to ignore it as if nothing happened. This damn thing is tearing a hole inside me. The damn flimsy shit is just there broken and doing NOT what is supposed to be doing. I'm dreading the fact that I have to fix it again.
----The other thing is that I came home and I'm trying to be on my laptop trying to not think about that and distract me from the world and the damn coffee table is too small to do any kind of work. So I end up bringing a desk from the attic and everything gets out of order in the living room. The desk won't go with the decor, everything looks messy. So here I am moving things around, rearranging things and plugging and unplugging things to make sure that everything is in order and that it flows with the design; it is just not doing it.
I feel that everything here that I'm trying to do is rearrange and move things to make things work. . . I feel that this is more to do with the things going on in my life than anything else. Perhaps I'm trying to rearrange and move things so that other things in my life click into place, so that order and balance can be restored in my mind and in my heart. As I am typing this at two thirty in the morning, I am surrounded by clutter that makes me feel uneasy. The same clutter that distracts me in my mind and in my life from the real issues that I so hard try not to face.
............................................My coworker is still and asshole!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
A painful peaceful night
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I stare at that stool you kicked looking for comfort in cold sheets. |
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Kicks with Love

Monday, May 16, 2016
Mental Quake
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Confrontations with you always make me bleed |
for my mental health I DO still LOVE you.
----- but I don't TRUST you----
Monday, May 9, 2016
New paths new form to traveling
I'm about to embark in a whole new way of looking at myself in the mirror. I have recently taken matters into my own hands; cutting my own hair, etc. Trying to do things that I would pay someone else and their expertise to do for me now under my own supervision and in my own hands. With this I am embarking in a whole new supplement regiment. I'm trying these new pills, I'm not one to condone using supplements like this and I know the dangers of using drugs for anything. I'm taking a leap of faith and hopefully this supplement helps with my skin and complexion. I'm trying to stay objective as far as the results but if things go as planned I won't have an allergic reaction to this and my complexion will be much fairer and definitely will help with the allergy I have towards Capi. I'm a bit weary of it given the fact that these pills need to be ordered from Japan but hopefully it helps and work as they should. Unfortunately they are not cheap. Something to keep in mind. I'll try them for a month and see if anything is happening i.e. allergic reactions, side effects etc. If they do what they claim to do I might just have to order another expensive batch of them for the next month. Wish me tons of luck. Listening to Yoko Kanno "Voices"
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Limbo is the best way to describe what is going on currently in my life. Everything seems to be just "happening" without anything really happening. Relationships are beautiful if it is reciprocated; otherwise they just suck big time. I feel that this kid has a good heart and good intentions but to be completely honest I believe he might be bipolar and definitely needs to go on medication to be able to control that temper of his. I have been dealing with a lot of mood swings and definitely a lot of bullshit. From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, is constant abuse and the funny thing is that I get blamed for everything. . . by him. At this point in my life I'm really wondering about the amount of bullshit I am willing to continue to endure for this kid. . . I feel a bit dead inside, as if nothing really keeps on happening and I'm just going with the motions.Listening to The Path by Zoe Keating.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Double the Commitment -Reprised

This commitment was supposed to keep my mind off things; allow me to continue living and forget about the heart broken boy that I am. Unfortunately the only thing that this did was to establish that "care" my ex has for me. I doubled the commitment and in turn I doubled the rejection. I could not take it anymore so I finally put my two weeks in. Quitting such a horrible place was the liberation I needed. I literally told everyone I worked with, that I hated it that place. It was causing more mental instability than the one it was meant to fix.
Now I only have one job. The money is not as good as I was making before, but it is a place I love. My boss, my coworkers and the schedule . . . definitely the schedule. As for the relationship thing; I'm not sure where I stand in that issue. At this point I'm just going with the flow.
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