Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Why is it so hard to be me?

It sounds as if it's the rant of a needy teen that's always had everything.  The sad part is that at least in my eyes I keep thinking that is not quite like that.  The  truth is that I have been taking care of everyone in my house since I swap a small child and to be completely honest it seems like this has been my nature since then.  Take care of everyone and everything in order for the rest to be comfortable and happy even at the sacrifice of myself. Now as I keep on continuing this relationship I,  more than ever,  seem to actually be taking some time for myself and it feels so foreing and desperation... it feels wrong.  One of the things my boyfriend told me was  "you're to busy taking care of everybody,  but  who's taking care of you? " - - - at that moment I realized that he was completely right.  Who's taking care of me?  Even with all of this in here I feel ... Still...  Alone.  I'm walking alone in this path and quite frankly and unfortunately the only one I have to rely on to go on is me.