Sunday, May 13, 2012

Period and Continue Writing

So summer is not officially here though it has poked his face once or twice around here. All the summer heat and the smell of summer air makes me feel uneasy, like if I had to do something important but forgot to do it. There's no much that I could do to take this feeling away so its very frustrating.
Just a bit of an update here, since my last post I had been in constant contact with my best friend who moved from my house to her family's house. My thought was that since her sister hates me she would have something to do with the weird way my own friend would, or rather, would not be in contact with me.
To make a long story short and simple, if you call your best friend or text them you would expect at least an answer at some point or another right? When they do manage to speak to you wouldn't you expect a how have you been? I'm sorry I was busy but... Well obviously that never happened it was only when she would finally decide to talk that it was to say ”hi, I'm busy right now watching TV talk to you tomorrow” which obviously never happened when it finally happened was so she could ramble about diets and argue with me for nothing and everything under the sun. This sadden me mainly because this wasn't the person I knew, this was a bitter angry person that hated me. My only rationalization of this was that her sister was the one behind all of this, just like last summer before when she would take her phone and ignore my phone calls and when I actually showed up at her house (4hrs away) to see if they were ok, she freaked out on me.
One day out of nowhere she texted me a long message saying that she had stalked my Facebook and saw that I commented to one of my friends posts who she said that she was tired of self absorbed selfish people and I told her, don't fret there is always people out there that care.  Well she took this comment as if I was calling her self absorbed selfish and that pretty much she did not want to be my friend anymore.

The irony of this is that I was not surprised about this at all, if it wasn't this it would have been another thing. This was just an excuse to get rid of me. How can someone you know for years and you open the doors to your house be so  thoughtless and vindictive? How is it that your supposed to be best friends but not have the dignity to respond to as text but have the time to stalk your Facebook to get an excuse to kill three years of loyal friendship?
My mind was enlightened that day, someone that would do that was not your friend at all. Friendship is a two way street and it takes effort from both parties to make it work.  In her text she literally said that she did not want to discuss anything nor make any kind of effort to be friends any more she just wanted this to end.

Days later I received a letter from her saying that she wasn't angry writing this letter, but that everytime she heard my name she felt sick to her stomach that pretty much I was the worst thing that happened to her, and that she'll miss that I was there for her when noone else would. Does this make any sense at all? Is sad to spend the last three years of your life and find out that to this person your friendship was worth a peanut. Well if anything life has thought me is that is time to move on and continue forward. From my part I did everything and anything to be a good friend a supportive friend. Now is my time to move forward and be supportive to my family, to renew old contacts and friendships, to be my self again.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Sound of Music

My long last, and in a way, forbidden love of the violin seems to be finally materializing itself as it should be. Something tangible and congruent, a reality.

Back in 2007 I bought a cheap violin, according to me to be able to play it and make awesome music. Alas, the only music I was able to make with it was the sound of the case closing and the clicking of the door behind this instrument. At the time I had no formal training in anything about music whatsoever and more than anything I did not have any time. Having class Monday thru Saturday and Sundays off to do catch up work for all of them (22 credits are not that easy when one is a pre-med major).  Needless to say that I lacked the patience and expertise in basic sight reading to be able to play even an open string G.

My brother's sudden interest in the instrument made him acquire a beautiful violin and an awesome new set of skills. Exactly like the kid that starts playing with the discarded toy because the new kid started playing with it, that's exactly how the interested in this instrument flared up again.  Now my brother, as my ever so patience  teacher has allowed me to at least start to develop the skills that allow "mediocrily" play a melody. One thing I do have to say about playing a string instrument. IT FUCKING HURTS!

The tips of my fingers have been in pain for days now from pressing them against the strings. It feels as if the strings are cutting your fingers in half and it burns. The days after it feels like the tips of my fingers are asleep, numb and tingling. It's ALL worth it. I feel the awesome level of accomplishment a child gets from learning to read. All of the sudden I can make sense of a music sheet. It really has open my ears and eyes to a new world.

Besides my fingers hurting, no bitching rant. I'm pleased and very glad that I have found found my love for music that I had lost a while back.  The sound of music has found me; again.

Friday, March 2, 2012

There and Back Again

Since my last post I was pretty much unemployed but then out of nowhere on my own bed, from my phone, I decided to scout the evil realms of internet to look for a job. Needless to say that that same night I had a job and I had to start the very next day :)
I had to pack bread in an assembly line type of work. There was only 3 people in total and there was a lot of work to be done. I kept thinking on how I have a science degree and I have to be in a factory packing bread to be able to afford my education! Seems in a way counter productive since the whole point to go to school is not to do this kind of jobs.  It's only temporary I keep saying to myself.  Well this job seemed pretty good until we had to get payed for all those extra hours we worked.  Well it turns out that these people didn't want to pay the over time, love to give orders to their workers and complained about everything. Not exactly a smart move when all the work is done by the only 3 people they have because you're so cheap to hire someone else. Anyway, all that I could forgive in a way but what I could not take anymore is that they misstreated this 19 year old kid because he was part black. Obviously they didn't say it was because he was black but everytime all of the boss's family and him would just start yelling at him for no reason whatsoever. My boss's dad was very abusive as well to the point that he almost tried to hit the black kid with a cable.  I could not take that anymore, all of the workers, the kid another guy and me, decided to leave that job at the same time. We left and demanded our last pay check. We left them with orders to do for three states that they had to do on their own.
In a way I don't feel bad because people like that only have money because they take advantage of poor people's nesessity, mistreating and abusing, not to mention stealing money from their own workers. Racism was just the cherry on top.
Eitherway, now I'm back on my bed looking for a job again thus the title.
Ps. Glad I'm done with them :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

YouTube, Influences My Life?

    So yet again another post about my "YouTube adventures." Ready, get set, take a deep breath, here we go.  So I was watching videos of an image consulting channel, specifically about how to look "stylish" with a hat. So after seeing all the things this guy had to say I realized that in fact I liked the hats that I had. Which by the way I hated, prior to this video. Well this got me thinking that I actually was influenced by YouTube.
    Is not as bad as it sounds, if you think on it I'm not being influenced by an enterprise but rather by the people I meet on this little universe called the internet. The creepy thing is that they don't even know that I know them but in a way or another that is how they like it. They like the feeling that they have made a difference in someone's life and that someone is watching but they don't want to deal with these people from a day to day basis.  The perfect marriage.
    In one way or another it seems that everytime that I click on the search bar there is a new person willing, at any time of the day I happen to click on them, to teach me what they know.
This got me thinking that it doesnt mean anything bad by saying that I'm being influenced by YouTube because it just means that I was curious enough to look further into things that otherwise I would just shrugged my shoulders and say "I  guess we'll never know."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New year, new aspect on life

So I've been looking at YouTube videos today. Specifically I was watching at the trending videos and found a bunch of channels by Chinese-American kids that although they don't seem to have many friends individually speaking they seem to have a friendship "trans-channel" that many times seems to bring them together in real life, either thru conventions co-starred videos or whatever. I digress but in the mids of everything I found this kid that reminded me of what I used to be like; outgoing sympathetic and overall happiness just exuded out of me.
After watching all of this I saw my own reflection in the mirror and what I saw was, a lonely, depressed looking kid that pretty much looked like a mess :l
On this new year I now have a new outlook on life, and in  way, a new purpose. That is to be myself and not just lay in bed and not do anything with my life. Let's hope that this is not just a "thing" that just passes by but something that seems to stick with me for the better.
BTW now finally I have a room all to myself so perhaps that might help me a to define even more my own individuality and over all myself evolution :)