Wednesday, August 17, 2011


             Whine or beer?                12:00AM

Dear diary; or should I say "Dear Journal?" either way your name shall be Octavious! . . . May be not . . . we'll see . . . Anyway today finally we got to go and wash 1month and 1/2 worth of laundry, we really really needed to do this ^_^! Steph as always seems to find any comment, gesture, or anything to just get mad. sometimes I just feel that she does it only around me, to be honest I don't think she really likes me very much. In fact, I think that she resents me so much that she finds any excuse she can to get back at me. Yea it makes me angry but at the same time I feel as if no one in this house really cares to find out what's in my mind/ what I feel. I guess this sparks the incessant need for me to get this journal/diary thing.  My mom seems to talk to me when she needs something, so does Father, Chiyo, Steph; pretty much everyone (including the dog sometimes) If I don't pay attention/do what people are asking me, then each and everyone gets extra pissy with me. I feel as if I'm not really meant to lie my own life. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the needs of everyone. As soon as I wake up/am awaken is Luis! this, Luis! come here and do this, do that, from my parents; *ignore* *ignore* *ignore* from Stephanie "Marucha what's wrong?" I ask "My professor, your parents, Capi, this house, my phone, money, my nails, everything everyone and the whole world" she answers as  as she walks away from me slamming the door shut on my face "Good morning?"  I whisper in my mind as I get angry from frustration on how I'm the spittoon on which everyone blames and rants and takes out anger on me. It has always been like this but it never bothered me, I guess since the Maruchan tends to get angry at everything I Have been learning to get angry at things  that I wouldn't otherwise. (somethings are bound to stick when you are spending 75%--85% of the time together) writing actually makes me feel better, reminds me how insignificant are the things I keep whining about. Either way, I digress.

  So today I was doing the laundry and I went to the dollar store and found a series of 4 small books hard bounded that seemed to be worth about $12:95 in my head but they had them for $1:29 thus I bought them, ^_^! I can't wait to read the one titled "To Be Read By Candle Light" there are crossword poems (which I need to figure out how they work) "The Devil's Dictionary" should be interesting. *Currently I find myself drinking a Miller, which makes me forget why I wanted to whine in this journal today* ^_^!! I guess the why people drink to forget their problems holds some true to it after all ^_^!! *beer hits me hard* (LOL) I swear it wasn't my intention to drink this for this purpose. I guess, no more whining . . . no more writing . . . till next time says Firechild or more like Fire ears (so hot my ears are ^_^!) don't judge . . . enjoy. . . . . . life's shrt . . .  *thus the contraction*

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